Manufacturer Identification Number: a unique 5 digit number assigned by the Uniform Code Council.

For example, “2” is for random-weight items like meat, and “3” is usually used for pharmaceuticals. Different types of products have different number system characters.

Vials Cleaned for TOC (Total Organic Carbon) Plastic Screw Thread Chromatography Vials Limited Volume Inserts for Chromatography Vials PYREX® Volumetric Pipet, To Deliver & To Contain Markings PYREX® Reusable Glass Serological Pipet, Color-Coded PYREX® Single Metric Scale Graduated CylindersĮpoxy Lined Round Paint Can with Triple Tite LidĬurTec HDPE Wide Neck Drums With Red PP LidsĪdjustable Volume Single Channel Micropipettors PYREX® Certified/Serialized, Single Metric Scale, Class A Graduated Cylinders PYREX® White Double Metric Scale, Class A Graduated Cylinders PYREX® Double Metric Scale, Economy Graduated Cylinders PYREX® Blue Double Metric Scale, Class A Graduated Cylinders Polycarbonate (PC) Erlenmeyer/Shaker Flasks, Flat Base Polycarbonate (PC) Erlenmeyer/Shaker Flasks, Baffled Base PYREX® Wide Mouth Erlenmeyer Flasks with Heavy Duty Rim PYREX® Narrow Mouth Heavy Duty Erlenmeyer Flasks PYREX® Heavy Wall Filtering Erlenmeyer Flasks Polypropylene Screw Thread Hole Caps with Septa for Chromatography Vials Polypropylene Screw Thread Caps for Chromatography Vials Polypropylene Hole Caps for Chromatography Vials 030 Solid Polyethylene Lined Phenolic CapsĬrimp Neck Seals for Serum Vials & Bottles ValuLine F217 & PTFE Lined Polypropylene Caps SturdeeSeal® PE Foam Lined Polypropylene Caps

Polypropylene Hole Caps with Bonded Septaį422 HDPE Foam Lined 38-439 Polypropylene Caps Safety Coated Straight Sided Round Bottles Safety Coated Standard Wide Mouth Bottles Safety Coated Boston Round Bottles - Clear Safety Coated Boston Round Bottles - Amber PYREX® Low Form Graduated Griffin Beakers Qorpak® Graduated Low Form Griffin Beaker