read Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) or a Christian sex book.If you want to give your sub an assignment, and it isn't one of their limits, go for it! Remember, the point is to strengthen your sub or your relationship, not to be a controlling jerk. At the time, I thought it had something to do with changing the future, leaving the world a better place, yada yada.).

There are multiple reasons to give tasks to your sub: to train them in obedience, for practice submitting, because they enjoy writing or research, so you can learn about something new without doing the work, to have them research something you like to get to know you better, as a punishment for something they've done wrong, to discipline them, for Teacher/student or Principal/student roleplaying, because you think it's hot, because your sub gets off on this kind of humiliation, or purely for the power rush of making people do what you say (this is actually why I became an educator. If giving them an assignment will do any of these three, it is a worthwhile activity that can help grow your sub into a better person. Remember, your goal as a Dom or Domme is threefold: to bring you sub closer to God, closer to themselves, and closer to you. So why is there homework? Well, you don't have to incorporate homework, but some subs like it (I don't).